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Together we are a powerful force!

‘One person can make a difference and everyone should try’ – John F Kennedy

Native wildlife conservation is a responsibility of us all and every effort and every cent counts! Aussie Ark relies on the generosity and involvement of the community to make a difference. You can contribute to creating a future for our wildlife. See below how you can become involved today and share this journey with us!

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  • Give yourself a chance to attend a wild release of endangered turtle hatchlings and witness firsthand the impact of your support!...

  • This tax time, give hope to Australian wildlife by helping us create a long-term future for endangered species! Your donation can really make the...

  • Make a symbolic adoption of your favourite species today. You can choose from Tasmanian Devils, Koalas and more!...

  • By making a tax deductible donation to Aussie Ark, you will help us create a future for threatened species. All donations will help fund Aussie...

  • Right now, our animals are disappearing due to disease, predation and habitat loss. Australia is losing species faster than every...

  • A legacy isn’t only what you leave to the world. A legacy is also what you give to the world. A charitable Bequest could be the most...

  • Help support Aussie wildlife with one of four fundraisers your school can partake in. All proceeds go towards Aussie Ark....

  • Workplace giving is where employees give small, regular donations to Aussie Ark from their pre-tax pay and is a great way to donate to help...

  • Join us to help save wildlife from extinction! Subscribe to receive regular updates from Aussie Ark including communication from ...