Looking for a brand new FUN-draiser for your school in 2023?
Help support Aussie wildlife with one of four fundraisers your school can partake in. All proceeds go towards saving our wildlife!
Who can participate? Anyone can!
Everyone is welcome to help make life easier for the endangered animals that live at Aussie Ark. By participating in any of our school fundraisers, you will provide your students with the opportunity to discover all about some amazing Aussie animals whilst raising funds to help some of our most endangered species. Our fundraisers have been set up so most of the work is done for you. All you need to do is:
- Choose which one of our four programs your school will take part in;
- Promote your chosen fundraiser at your school through your classroom, school newsletter or assembly announcements;
- Encourage students throughout the year to raise funds;
- Let Aussie Ark know how much money the school raised to receive one of our awesome rewards.
Our programs:
The proceeds from all of the programs go towards Aussie Ark and their work towards saving endangered Australian species. All of the programs will have packs with all of the resources for the school to be able to facilitate the fundraiser. An explanation of what each pack will be sent via email upon request (Click here to request) and packs are sent out once school has confirmed which program they will be doing and details.
Dress up for Devils
Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite Australian animal for the day or in mufti for a gold coin donation.
Get Crazy for Quolls
Students are encouraged to have crazy hair for the day. This can include crazy hairstyles or spraying it a crazy colour for a gold coin donation.
Get Active for Aussie Animals
Students are encouraged to get sponsorships from parents, relatives or neighbours to run laps of the oval or complete an exercise challenge. The students can be sponsored either per lap or a flat donation with money to be returned to the school from students within a week after the event is complete.
Working for Wildlife Week
Students are encouraged to get sponsored to do tasks at home over a week of the schools choosing by parents, relatives, or neighbours to support them in their challenge. The students are sponsored per task with money to be returned to the school from students within a week after the event is complete.
Your school will benefit too! Your school will receive amazing rewards for fundraising for Aussie Ark according to the success the school reaches as a team.
Schools Donating $0-$400
- Certificate of appreciation;
- Thank you video from an Aussie Ark Ranger, thanking the school for helping animals.
Schools Donating $400-$1000
- Certificate of appreciation;
- Devil Art footprint canvas painting;
- Thank you video from an Aussie Ark Ranger, thanking the school for helping animals.
Schools Donating $1000 – $2,500
- Certificate of appreciation;
- Devil Art footprint canvas painting;
- The school will receive an honourary Tasmanian devil Adoption pack including a picture to hang of a Tasmanian devil that lives at Aussie Ark that the school has adopted;
- Thank you video from Australian Geographic’s Conservationist of the Year, Tim Faulkner thanking the school for helping animals.
Schools Donating over $2,500
- Certificate of appreciation;
- Tasmanian devil joey visit to School;
- Devil Art footprint canvas painting;
- The school will receive an honourary Tasmanian devil Adoption pack including a picture to hang of a Tasmanian devil that lives at Aussie Ark that the school has adopted;
- Thank you video from Australian Geographic’s Conservationist of the Year, Tim Faulkner thanking the school for helping animals.
For more information contact our Aussie Ark team on 02 4326 5333 or email us at admin@aussieark.org.au