Engaging fundraising ideas for your school, community and workplace
Looking for fun and meaningful fundraising ideas for your school?
JoinoJoinEveryJoin our mission to one is welcome to join our mission to ensure a healthy future for the endangered animals that live at Aussie Ark. By participating in any of our school fundraisers, you will provide your students with the opportunity to discover all about some amazing Aussie animals whilst raising funds to help some of our most endangered species. Our fundraisers have been set up so most of the work is done for you. All you need to do is:
- Choose which one of our four programs your school will take part in;
- Promote your chosen fundraiser at your school through your classroom, school newsletter or assembly announcements;
- Encourage students throughout the year to raise funds;
- Let Aussie Ark know how much money the school raised to receive one of our awesome rewards.
Our promise to you
If you choose to leave us a gift in your Will, we promise to:
- Honour your wishes;
- Respect that a decision as important as this needs time – how and when you choose to write it is personal to you;
- Understand that you might change your mind – circumstances can change and you have the freedom to reconsider your decision at any time;
- Honour your privacy – we would like to acknowledge your generosity but will only give you the recognition you are comfortable with;
- Ensure your gift is used in the most effective way;
- Continue to communicate and update you with the latest information on our programs and achievements.
Next steps
What should I do next?
- Choose the family, friends and charities that you would like to remember in your Will.
- Talk it over with your family and loved ones. Share your wishes with them.
- Visit a solicitor to have your Will written or updated. Alternatively, you can make an online Will with an online Will provider such as Safewill
- Please let us know if you have made a decision to leave a donation in your Will to Aussie Ark. We may be able to assist you in ensuring your legacy is left to the area you are most passionate about.
Sample Wording: Using the wording below helps ensure that your gift is used in the way you intend.
‘I give to Australia’s Wildlife Ark Limited(ABN 51 417 871 203) free of all taxes and other deductions the residue of my estate / ___% share of my estate for its general purposes, and the receipt given on behalf of Australia’s Wildlife Ark Limited shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee.’
Legal Details: Your solicitor will require the following information to include a donation to Aussie Ark in your Will:
Registered Name: Australia’s Wildlife Ark Limited
ABN: 51 417 871 203
Address: PO Box 192, Gosford, NSW 2250
Plus, you can make unlimited updates (with a review from an Australian Lawyer each time to ensure correct completion) to your Will for a whole year completely free of charge:
Request A Fundraising Pack
For more information about the types of gifts you can make and the appropriate wording to use please contact:
Jo Runciman
Email: jo@aussieark.org.au
Host a fundraising event for Aussie Ark
Fundraiser ideas

Dress up for Devils
Students are encouraged to dress up as their favourite Australian animal for the day or in mufti for a gold coin donation.
Get Crazy for Quolls
Students are encouraged to have crazy hair for the day. This can include crazy hairstyles or spraying it a crazy colour for a gold coin donation.
Get Active for Aussie Animals
Students are encouraged to get sponsorships from parents, relatives or neighbours to run laps of the oval or complete an exercise challenge. The students can be sponsored either per lap or a flat donation with money to be returned to the school from students within a week after the event is complete.
Working for Wildlife Week
Students are encouraged to get sponsored to do tasks at home over a week of the schools choosing by parents, relatives, or neighbours to support them in their challenge. The students are sponsored per task with money to be returned to the school from students within a week after the event is complete.