Mission Accomplished – Eastern Quolls Rewilded to Booderee National Park!
Conservation organisation Aussie Ark in collaboration with WWF and Parks Australia has successfully released 15 of its endangered Eastern Quolls into Booderee National Park!
This ground-breaking conservation effort was attended by Federal Minister for Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek who personally released two of the quolls.
“It is so wonderful to be part of an event that has so many partners coming together to make this project a success,” Minister Plibersek said. “Being able to learn from this project will be important for the restoration projects we do right across mainland Australia.”
Aussie Ark collaborated with WWF and Parks Australia on this re-wilding effort, which included the transfer of a total of 19 quolls into the 80-hectare Booderee Botanical Gardens within the National Park, which is feral-proof. It’s hoped the Eastern quolls will thrive and grow in numbers, before beyond-the-fence introductions are trialed in future.
WWF Australia CEO Dermot O’Gorman said the release was “not in isolation as one rewilding project but part of a broader movement, to support these efforts across the country.”
For Wreck Bay traditional owners and community members – a large number of whom attended – the rewilding was as profoundly cultural as it was environmental. Booderee National Park manager George Brown and Director of National Parks Ricky Archer were both in attendance and highlighted the significance for the indigenous community both locally and nationally.
“A generation of people haven’t seen Eastern Quolls out here on country in their lifetime,” Mr Archer said. “So this is a massive step in re-introducing a species that has been here, that has been lost, and ultimately work towards how country used to be…and how it needs to be.”
Trowunna Wildlife Sanctuary’s Rulla Kelly-Mansfield – a traditional landowner from Tasmania where the species is revered in Dreamtime – said the release was “a step in the right direction in healing our country”.
Aussie Ark’s central role in the event was emphasised by all partners, including Minister Plibersek herself who regarded this event as a benchmark for “restoration projects we do right across mainland Australia”.
“The role that Aussie Ark has played today just shows what is possible,” Minister Plibersek said. “And I really want to say a big thank you to Aussie Ark for the contribution they’ve made to this project…and the contribution they are making to protecting and restoring our beautiful natural environment.”
Aussie Ark Conservation Manager Hayley Shute was thrilled with the success of the event.
“It shows that conservation is truly collaborative,” Ms Shute said. “Aussie Ark is delighted to be working in collaboration with the Federal Government and WWF to deliver conservation outcomes. This is how we can solve the extinction crisis; by all working together.”
To help Aussie Ark continue its world-leading work breeding and rewilding endangered species like the Eastern Quoll please donate now at aussieark.org.au.